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packet layer中文是什么意思

用"packet layer"造句"packet layer"怎么读"packet layer" in a sentence


  • 分封层


  • Information technology - data communications - x . 25 packet layer protocol for data terminal equipment
    信息技术数据通信数据终端设备用x . 25包层协议
  • Osi information technology - use of x . 25 packet layer protocol to provide the osi connection - mode network service over the telephone network
    信息技术.使用x . 25包层协议对电话网络提供开放式系统互连
  • With isolation from each other , data can be mixed on the line without queuing problems at the packet layer
    有了这些信息流相互之间的隔离(技术) ,数据可以在线路上混合起来而不存在包这一层上的排队问题。
  • Osi information technology - use of x . 25 packet layer protocol in conjunction with x . 21 x . 21 bis to provide the osi connection - mode network service
    信息技术.使用x . 25包层协议及x . 21 x . 21二度提供开放式系统互连
  • Dte . information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - x . 25 - dte conformance testing - packet layer conformance suite
    信息技术.第3部分:系统间的通信和信息交换. x . 25 -数据终端设备
  • Information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - x . 25 - dte conformance testing - part 3 : packet layer conformance test suite
    信息技术系统间的远程通信和信息交换x . 25dte一致性测试第3部分:分组层一致性测试套
  • Information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - provision of the connection - mode network internal layer service by intermediate systems using iso iec 8208 , the x . 25 packet layer protocol
    信息技术.系统间的电信和信息交换.使用iso iec8208 x . 25包层协议通过中间系统提供连接方式网络内层服务
用"packet layer"造句  


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